Each Step Leads to Growth

Richa Sharma
2 min readJan 5, 2022

Life is one’s very own, a very personal thing. It completely belongs to the one who owns it. I can share my belongings, my money, my home, books, clothes, food. But I can’t share the uniqueness of my life, my hard work, my knowledge, my health, my dedication, or my hunger. Yes, I can try to share my feelings and emotions by expressing them or sharing my thoughts. But it is not possible to make the other person feel how I exactly feel. I can help others with my knowledge and the good thing is, it will not decrease by sharing. On the other hand, it will increase with more exposure and it will still reside with me. The knowledge, which we share becomes a part of their perception, thought or knowledge and they will increase it by adding their own expertise to it. So, it becomes part of their life cycle and their journey and thus, the cycle of life continues by adding and deleting new experiences, understandings and views to life. Its up to you, how you enrich your life. I want to fill mine with happy memories, adventurous trips, life changing decisions and having only progress, success and growth. My life is mine and yours is yours. So, just give a 5 min. thought to what you are doing to yours, what you are filling it with, what your life worth. If you think of giving positivity to it, it will slowly turns into a positive one. Lets start taking steps towards getting what you and I deserve in our lives. Stay happy and safe and motivated. And you can talk to me whenever feel like giving up on something. I will surely try to help you.

Bye and take care.



Richa Sharma

A Teacher, Writer, Positive Thinker, a Friend, a Freelancer